

Jae-sam Lee

Solo Exhibitions

2017 MIMESIS Art Museum, Korea nacum museum of Art korea
2016 MAD Museum ART&DESIGN, Singapore
2015 SHIN Museum of Art, Korea
LOTTE Gallery, Korea
2013 Space K, Korea
Gallery ISM, korea
2012 YOUNGWEOL Culture Art Center, Korea
2011 AKISLUE Gallery, Korea
2010 JANGHEUNG Art Park, Korea
2008 Gallery ARTSIDE Beijing, China
2007 Gallery ARTSIDE, Korea
2004 Gallery DOLL, Korea
2003 Gallery DOLL, Korea
2002 ballery HAPPYCOLOK, Korea
Gallery WOODUK, Korea
2001 Gallery La Mer, Korea
Gallery ARTSIDE, Korea
2000 Posce At museum, Korea
1999 HANWON Art Museum, Korea
1996 Gallery Jo, Korea
1994 GAAIN Gallery, Korea The 3RD Gallery, Korea
1990 Gallery soo, Korea
1988 IL Gallery. Korea

selected group exhibitions

KOREAN'S SPIRIC (ARTVERAS contemporary, Swiss)
seind in valure museum san. wonu
Unforgettable Faces (Leememorial Center, Seoul)
Color Pool (Gyeonggi Museum of Modern Art, Ansan)
Mountains, Rievers,People:Eight Views and Nine-Band Streams
• cycondoll oveonodt Museum or modern AntAnsan
The 1stAnniversary Exhibition of MMCA Seoul-GARDEN (MMCA, Seoul)
A love of the Poetical (Korea WOWEON Museum of Art Icheon)
I DREAM (AVENUEL World Tower, Seoul)
Ine Wind that Wakes the bamboo Gwangu National Museum
nocene rrom a memory ouctork, sinodpore
Poetry of Watertall (Songwon Art Center, Seoul)
ine wood oreos, Irom trees museum on Modern att
Chungmungyu, Ansan
Daequ Art Factory-Suchang (Daequ Art Factory, Daegu)
Tagging Art Works (Gyeongqi Museum of Modern Art, Ansan)
Korean Art Today (Korean Cultural Office, Sydney, Australia)
Phyomar (Bnidge Gallery, Seoul)
Kored lomorrow oeonvention Hall. seoul
Yeosu International Art Festival Jinnam Culture Art Center, Yeosu)
Him of Gyeonggido (Gyeongqi Museum of Modern Art, Ansan)
Mind Drawing (Gana Art Center, Seoul)
7 Thinos I want to Know about Arts (Icheon Arc Hall)
Gorous Show Korean artist (Gally Braumbenrens, munchen, Germany)
Symphony of Nature and Mystique - Harmony
(Shin Museum of Art, Cneongju)
meme wrackers (songzhang Are center, beling, chind)
Atelier Artists Exhibition - let a thousand Flowers (Insa Art Center, Seoul)
Chucal Perspective - Same 130 Artists (insa Art Center, Seoul) wew or ars savind Museum orontemporary Are seou
Mooniontodiom odlery, deoul,
City of Gyeongju Exhibition (National of Gyeongju, Museum)
Meditative Forest (Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul)
simply Beautilul - breat of Nature in Korean Contemporary Art ente "asou art, diel dienne. owiss.
The Face (Youngeun Museum of Contemporary Art, Gwangju
scenery beyond Description Gyeonggido
(Gvconeoico ProvnCival Museumn, Suwon)
New Acquisition 2004 (National Museum of Contemporary Art, Gwacheon
existence and Illusion (Gwanju Art Museum)
race, xpressionUde.con munciod! museum are
Korean and chinese painting - 2002 New Expression (Seoul Arts Center, Seoul)
Revolution of Space (Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul) cole de seoul xhoton XWannun callemy. Seoul)
A Views in the Change of Art (Kumho Gallery. Seoul)
Post Modern Festival (Sonamoo Gallery, Seoul)
seoul, March, Arusts (Gallery soo, seoul)
Korean contemporary Art Situation o1 1980 Dongsund Art Center, seoul)
National Museum of Contemporary Art, Gwacheon)

Selected Works